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Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

We are united!

Clarborough & Welham  

Version 4.01
Click here for our website’s latest visitor statistics

Our website is funded & managed by
Clarborough & Welham IT Group with
support from
Ladbrook Insurance

With over 240 pages, our website hosts a mass of information about Bassetlaw - and more! Hover over the left-hand menu to get a more detailed overview of each section, but first, roll down this page to get a feel for our latest news...


More information


It’s time to apply for your child’s secondary school place for September 2025!
Details here...


Want your local weather forecast? Click the Sun! Replace ‘Retford’ with almost any destination on earth to get their forecast - ideal for holiday planning!



Latest Nottinghamshire Flooding advice here...

A620 resurfacing road closures October-November details here...

Nottinghamshire Love Your Leftovers
Cookery Book
- a ‘must read’ here...

Barn Dance at Clarborough Church - 19th October

Rotary Club’s Santa Fun Run too...

For a vast array of news, opportunities, links and new initiatives, click BCVS for their weekly Bulletin - this is also a key source of volunteering opportunities across all sectors. Latest jobs too!




Retford Arts Hub has lots of activities here...


Retford’s Big Market Days are really memorable!
Latest details here...

Lots about community energy - and much more!


Notts Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Local Offer details for 0-25 year olds here

Expert Advice on Managing Energy Bills following Price Cap Increase - click Citizens Advice logo for much more including drop-in session on 17th October...


North Wheatley Over-60s Social Tennis here...

New Notts Observatory data and local insight website now launched here...

Don’t advertise your whereabouts and other personal details which could render you liable for burglary or even worse!
Read more

Lots of very useful tips & info including a latest WhatsApp group warning.


Click chopper for Air Ambulance support and also support for our 30th Anniversary PLUS our links to Lancaster S-Sugar!


Notts Local Account launched: Our new Adult Social Care Strategy, called the Local Account, was launched earlier this month. It follows on from The Big Conversation in spring last year, where we sought people’s views on their experiences of using adult social care and what they thought social care should look like in the future

Are you in need of advice or support for alcohol or drug addiction - or know someone who does? Support is here...

We’re moving! But don’t worry, we’re not going far! BDC’s Office in Retford is moving, temporarily - details here... Also, read their latest e-Newsletter here... plus their latest news here... and Housing Newsletter for Tennants here...

Also... BDC have recently started drop-in sessions at the Children’s Centres in Harworth and Bircote, Manton and Retford’s Hallcroft. The sessions are for any tenants who need to talk to someone face to face regarding any housing matters or advice. As the sessions are in Children’s Centres there is provision to keep children occupied which gives parents an opportunity to have time to talk about any issues they are having. For dates/times click Tenant Drop-in Session poster on the left.
Finally, BDC’s latest Newsletter for businesses here...

Do you have a disability and want support in getting into employment? See more...

Local school holidays to July 2027 - here !

Bassetlaw Action Centre’s latest newsletters and services updates plus latest job opportunities



Are you a business? Explore the latest funding and other opportunities

Scams are always around - get latest advice here...


Retford Library’s Love Reading newsletter - read more on all of Inspire’s latest here...


Do you recognise local folks receiving thanks in Pakistan for Muslim Charity’s 2023 Rickshaw Challenge plus just-completed 2024 Tuk Tuk Challenge in Kashmir!


Read Local Plan plus BDC’s 2040 Vision here


Neighbourhood Watch’s October OUR NEWS here...


West Burton Nuclear Fusion STEPs forward to zero-carbon here...


Does your business or event need advertising? Clarborough & Welham Community Newsletter has a much wider ‘reach’ than you might expect and offers exceptional value.
Meet Julie for more


Clarborough’s weekly CCC (Coffee, Cakes & Chat) from 10:45 to 11:45 at Clarborough Village Hall continues to thrive. It is a real joy to meet, chat, have coffee (or tea) and cake and make new friends and have time to catchup with all the news. Do pop in and bask in the warmth of meeting our lovely local residents. Everyone welcome - you don’t need to be ‘local’!


Retford’s Theatre’s latest

Latest Nottinghamshire news and information about local Family Hubs and other services for young families here...

Retford Life’s website has links to most local events/activities through this (and next) month!


Aurora Centre is your local cancer support centre. Lots going on too!

Clarborough Post Office at our Village Hall Click on Post Office for opening times
All P.O. services available here!




Volunteering is not just good for those on the receiving end - it can be a very effective way to boost your own CV when seeking job promotion as well as a very effective way to improve your own wellbeing! Click RECRUITING.


Chesterfield Canal Trust’s latest news here...
including some wonderful Wildlife Watch photos!

Nottinghamshire recycling centres operating times here for details and updates for Tetrapak recycling here...


For Nottinghamshire County Council’s latest advice plus much, much more, go to their Newsroom or join Family Life email bulletins.




Notts County Council’s Cost of Living Support page plus Support for Carers. Click for details.





Your Health Your Way has a number of local programmes. Their FAB (Food, Activity, Balance) programme is aimed at children too.


Clarborough & District W.I.’s 2024 programme


Click poster for link to all of Inspire’s current courses - it’s not too late to enrole!

Clarborough Table-top Sales on first Saturday of each month - see more here...



Our Food Bank have started their mobile Community Shop to Clarborough on Fridays! Read more here...



New NottAlone website offering local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, all in one place - click poster.


Looking for self-help links to the widest range of health and welfare services and support? Click here for over 100 links.

Mayflower Pilgrim Trails Newsletters here...
and Bassetlaw Museum’s Pilgrims Gallery detail

Want the latest news? Go to BBC News here...

Want good exercise? See local footpaths here... and also new,
local, cycling initiatives here...

For a page of useful local contacts, click here...


 Bigger Shopper’s & Tourist’s map of Retford


Clarborough & Welham IT Group both finances and manages this community website and is also a member of Retford Business Forum.

Our site is constantly evolving, so if you’ve got any comments or suggestions for possible additions or improvements, please go to our Contact us page and let us know. For a summary of how we have structured this community website, and how to get the best out of it, go to Site navigation by left clicking on the blue underlined words in this sentence.

With some 260 pages, our community website is your one-stop-shop for everything from local groups to national and wider issues affecting our community. Over the past few years this site has been servicing an average around 4000 pages viewed per week (not ‘hits’ - they run into hundreds of thousands!) by more than 200 visitors every day! We pull together public sector inputs from Health, Education, Social services, Law and Order as well as providing you with direct links to all of your elected representatives. We also provide emergency links to your utility suppliers as well as a range of advice centres. Watch out also for regular notices of employment opportunities, activities, entertainment and local courses. In fact - explore our site!

We also provide insights into life, both past and present, in Clarborough and Welham and also Retford. For the moment, have a look in our Local Groups pages to see just how much is happening right now. Local History has an expanding set of transcripts of Log Books (starting in 1871) of our village school in Local Schools Primary School History.
Local History also explores how important our area is in the history of the Mayflower Pilgrims and also The Great Reform Act of 1832 which started the long process of extension of the franchise to (currently) all over 18-year-olds.

We are very grateful to Ladbrook Insurance for their support for our website. Click Ladbrook’s logo for more on their Charity Insurance and also here for more local business information and links.

Our Out and About section links to a huge variety of local events - local courses to holiday activities for youngsters.

If your computer does not have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (FREE and used to display pdf - portable document format - files) then use this link to download your own copy of this essential piece of software but do make sure you download just the READER - not the  ‘free trial’ of the full Acrobat app!