Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

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New Start     BBO (Building Better Opportunities)

Good Work       Towards Work       Way2Work

Latest job opportunities in Nottinghamshire
mainly schools-related - here...

Support for people with physical or mental health conditions or disabilities who are looking to get into, or back into, work.

Read more.

Apprenticeship Fair (8th February, 2024)

The annual National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) was a peak time for people looking for an apprenticeship, so Bassetlaw District Council in partnership with North Notts College hosted a pop up apprenticeship fair at the Bridge Skills Hub on Thursday 8th February 2024 between 16:30 and 19:30. The event focused attention on vocational pathways in to work and the value apprenticeships / T levels offer as an alternative to academic routes.

Read event details here...

Overview of Key points:

Promoted extensively across the community/district secondary schools. Attendees - learners, parents, career changers and job seekers.

Targeting 20-25 employers/stakeholders (higher if greater interest) - looking to facilitate networking opportunities between exhibitors and stakeholders

Exhibitors provided space (tables / chars etc) to showcase Apprenticeship vacancies / opportunities (live at event / future opportunities in March to June) or support / other opportunities.

Event hosted on Thursday to align with NAW additional focus on T levels.


Click poster for details

Here we post local job opportunities plus a range of support service (see above) aimed at people either looking for work or needing support when at work.

As you may or may not be aware 16 of the eventual 24 T levels are now live with others being introduced over the coming years. T levels are likely to slowly supersede many study programmes (BTEC’s, etc) as Government aims to bring parity of study time / quality / UCAS points across all the main post-16 options (A levels, T Levels and Apprenticeships).

Employers in their own right need to be aware of new qualifications coming through the system which entry talent may soon possess but also be aware of the ask for employer engagement and support with the placements requirements.

Bassetlaw District Council is currently recruiting...

Latest Jobs at the Council :

We are currently recruiting for the following positions:

  • Electrician
  • Grounds Maintenance Operative
  • Housing Officer
  • Technical Officer
  • Environmental Health Assistant
  • Receptionist
  • Council Tax Officer
  • Planning Policy Officer
  • UKSPF Programme Officer

View our latest jobs

For even more local opportunities, go to BCVS’s page here... and Bassetlaw Action Centre’s page here...

If you’re aged 19+, unemployed on Universal Credit or other benefits, you can now get back into work with this FREE new solution. Click on poster for details

Lots more support opportunities if you are looking to get into work explore here and also, local Nomis (official) unemployment statistics.

Click on Work Pays for much more!


For Office for National Statistics Nomis official labour market statistics click here...

Well For Work is an ESF funded programme that aims to support individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds that are facing physical, mental and/or financial barriers preventing them from getting into work and to overcome those barriers whilst feeling confident moving forward.

Click on Well for Work poster to view the 7-page presentation.

To be eligible for Futures for You, individuals need to have been out of work for between 12 and 18 months. All referrals via Jobcentre Plus.

For Fu+ures latest training opportunities, click on the + symbol.

You may also find Enable’s services and offerings of courses, apprenticeships and much more worth exploring so click here...

Good Work and Towards Work provide support for individuals into employment, education and training through a personalised journey towards work.
For details, click on the links at the top of this page.

Check out our Apprenticeships page for latest opportunities.




For everything online about job seeking including searching for employment opportunities, go to

Not a native speaker of English? For expert tuition see North Nottinghamshire College (Worksop) here...

Check out Nottinghamshire County Council’s current list of job vacancies.


Voluntary opportunities - see Volunteering.

For latest local Voluntary and Community sector jobs, visit

National Careers Service Website

The National Careers Service website offers advice on the following: dealing with redundancy;  advice for those aged 13-19; returning to work after having children; being an older worker; dealing with a criminal record; returning to work from long-term sickness/injury; working overseas; studying if you have a disability; and much more. Natalie, our Communications Apprentice, spent some time completing the Skills Health Check tools and found them very useful, accessible and easy to use.