Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

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Clarborough & Welham IT Group with
support from
Ladbrook Insurance

On the Road
website design software

Version 4.1
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The Motorist     Motoring & Drink       Insurance Check     Road Safety     Bikers’ Page

This page is designed to bring you breaking news or advice about all forms of road use. For specific information from Police, Trading Standards departments or other public bodies, please see their respective pages on this website. We also have a page specifically for bikers as well as one for general road safety.

The A620 from Retford’s Moorgate to The Hop Pole will be substantially closed from 10th March, 2025 for 14 nights (20:00-06:00) to complete the resurfacing work started last October.
Read Nottinghamshire County Council’s letter to residents that sets out the planned work in details. Please note that there is a ‘typo’ in this letter stating that Phase 2 will run from 4th November to 25th November 2025 rather than 2024! Also, we assume this letter being left as info for the March 2025 programme.

Fraudulent car salesman sentenced to 32 months in prison - read Notts County Council’s news here...

Did you know that Splashing pedestrians is illegal under section three of the Road Traffic Act, 1988 and can result in a fine of £100 plus three licence penalty points!

However, in some cases, fines can reach as much as £5,000 for driving without reasonable consideration for others on the road. Greg Wilson, Founder and CEO of Quotezone, said: ‘With unusually wet weather set to hit the UK throughout the winter, drivers must be aware of the rules of the road to help keep everyone safe and avoid mishaps like splashing pedestrians, that could end up costing them thousands or adding points to their licence.

‘Motorists need to be extra careful when travelling in the rain, slowing down to allow more time to react to unknown situations and doubling the following distance from the vehicle in front to four seconds, as the vehicle will take longer to come to a stop on the wet road. Keep in mind that puddles may be deeper than they initially seem so keep an eye out for standing water on the road edge and be ready to react. it’s also sensible to  test your brakes regularly when there is surface water.

‘If the car aquaplanes, it’s best to avoid hitting the brake and ease off the accelerator gently with the steering wheel held straight and steady until you can feel contact with the road again.’

Also, don’t push your luck by parking, or even just stopping, on yellow signs

Significant changes to The Highway Code came into effect from 29th January 2022. There are changes in important areas many of which mean that drivers in particular need to be aware that other road users, particularly pedestrians, will often take priority, particularly at road junctions. Also, updated sentences for driving offences here...
Click Highway Code for full changes on the Government website.


Click for full details of these Highway Code changes on the Government website.

Two off-road bikes seized by Police in Lound! Read more here...

Have you lost/destroyed you car’s log book? Click here for help!

Services that may be of interest to all road users include:

Road works/closures scheduled for Nottinghamshire - click here.

To report a road, footpath or cycleway defect click here...

AA route finder: input the start and destination (most easily as post codes) and you are provided with a written and map-based route together with distance and estimated travel times; invaluable!

DirectGov index to all Government-sourced road user information; it’s all here, from learning to drive/driving licences to registering, taxing buying/selling your vehicle. This site even goes into driving for a living and driving abroad. A must read!

Highways England for latest road closures, road works or general road conditions update.

Fuel prices? click for a price comparison to help find the best deal (enter a post code).

Also, what does the Park Mark sign on public car parks mean? Read more...

Nottinghamshire Alert is a messaging system that allows Nottinghamshire Police, Trading Standards and Neighbourhood Watch together with other public organisations to distribute messages concerning community safety to members of the public quickly  and efficiently. Register online at Go to our Law & Order > Neighbourhood Alert section for more information and details of how to join this important service.

The Alert system is particularly useful for warning of outbreaks of vehicle-related crime (be it theft, vandalism or anything else). Our community is semi-rural which means that it is quite a popular target for thieves looking for out-of-the-way situations, so being aware of their activity nearby is powerful information for taking care of our own. Recent outbreaks of vehicle-related crime was extremely useful information for those of us linked to Neighbourhood Alert. It’s simple (and free) to join, so why not enrol today?

See our Neighbourhood Alert page and follow the links!