Clarborough Primary Local Secondary Schools/Academies
Primary School History Bassetlaw Youth Council Local Courses
Nottinghamshire schools holiday dates through to Summer 2027 here...
Applications for your child’s Secondary school place for September 2025 closed on 31st October, 2024!.
Click here for the latest news and application options for the above.
Nottinghamshire Festival of Science and Curiosity including events at both Retford’s Bassetlaw Museum and Worksop’s Skills Hub between 10th and 21st February 2025 - includes school’s half-term! Go to our Some latest Science for full programme.
Nottingham University Business School has a programme to help you grow your business - go to our Business page.
The National Deaf Children’s Society has a range of advice to help deaf children (and adults too) through the Covid crisis. In particular it explores the important of ‘see-through’ masks so that deaf people can lip read. Click here for much more...
Some pupils may be studying at schools in nearby Gainsborough which is in the county of Lincolnshire. To view Lincolnshire’s holiday patterns through to July 2027 click here.
Retford Post-16 Centre underwent major changes from Autumn 2018 - read more here...
A wide range of training courses, particularly focused on employment and voluntary-sector needs, are available locally. Also included are links to North Notts College - follow our Local Courses link above.

If you really want to keep your finger on the pulse, get in touch with Bassetlaw Community & Voluntary Service (BCVS) and ask to be put on their weekly e-mail Bulletin mailing list - it’s packed with local courses and events.
The ‘state’ sector school structure in this part of Bassetlaw is well developed and respected. Clarborough Primary School has very recently had return visit by Ofsted and the results of that inspection were very positive indeed. Go to the Primary School section of this page for full details.
Looking for ‘things to do’ during weekends or half-terms? Take a look at the range of things planned at: Clarborough Village Hall Retford Library Bassetlaw Museum The Holocaust Centre Idle Valley Nature Reserve Austerfield Study Centre and so much more - just explore this site!

For young people who feel the need to chat to a counsellor, go to Kooth - click on the logo.
And then, of course, we have Academy status...
A number of secondary schools or academies (following recent changes to the whole structure of state education) serve the area, all with comprehensive coverage of the curriculum but with their own particular specialisms. Have a look in our Secondary Schools section for more specific links.
For some information and discussions of the whole notion of Academy Status as it currently exists in English state education, have a look at the following links:
Academy Status - the Department for Education view.
Two Head Teachers outline the pros and cons of Academy Status (BBC News)
And then there is the political agenda!
Bullying tactics - Guardian newspaper article (16 Dec 2011).