Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

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Volunteer Opportunities         Royal Voluntary Service
Bassetlaw Action Centre           BCVS           Hope

Why should I volunteer? This is a perennial question but has taken on a wholely more immediate aspect as the aftermath (hopefully!) of the Covid-19 crisis hits unemployment figures. Some of the key reasons that you might think of volunteering, if you have recently lost your job, include:

a. Maintaining those interpersonal skills so vital to most jobs.

b. Develop new skills to expand your value to employers.

c. Demonstrate qualities such as punctuality, team working, reliability.

d. From appropriate providers, get updated CVs or References.

If these seem interesting, get in touch with providers to be found around this website.

THE key contact point for local and national volunteering is the Do-It website at

Please also look at our Local Courses page for events aimed at Voluntary Groups and Charities.

HOPE provides help and support for those in need and families on benefits and low incomes to set up home. HOPE is always looking for your unwanted furniture, clothing and bric a brac as well as voluntary time. HOPE also has a range of top quality, top high street branded, clothing and accessories for sale. Read more...

Bluebell Wood Childrens’ Hospice is a well known organisation that is keen to hear from anyone who can support their cause of caring for and supporting young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. To find out more, visit their website.

Increasingly, volunteers are not only essential to our modern expectations of society’s provisions; be it someone who supports pupils in primary school by supporting reading schemes or someone else providing support to those with long-term medical conditions but also provide meaningful opportunities for those with time to spare.

Some may get involved with police force (see Law & Order Get involved for ‘Specials’ opportunities) or the health service (St.John’s Ambulance or First Responders) or come onboard with local groups such as those highlighted in our Local Groups section, others may be looking more widely. Idle Valley Nature Reserve also need volunteers - have a look at their poster on our Job Opportunities page.

Volunteering is a great opportunity for individuals to expand horizons, meet some very interesting people, and get a real ‘buzz’ from doing something worthwhile.

Also, see Local Courses for a wide range of courses catering for volunteers.

Nottinghamshire Trading Standards Good Neighbour campaign - are you a good neighbour? Go to  their website for more information.

Physical Activity Leader information for anyone keen to promote physical activity in frailer, older people.