Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

We are united!

Our website is funded & managed by
Clarborough & Welham IT Group with
support from
Ladbrook Insurance

Website Stats
website design software

Version 4.00
Click here for our website’s latest visitor statistics

This page displays the website statistics as recorded by our server organisation for recent months.

As providers of this website it is the visits data that provides the greatest satisfaction, particularly in the Daily Average columns. As you can see from this data, our website is really popular..


Our community website is becoming quite an ‘information hub’ for this part of Bassetlaw (or even more widely!) as our website’s visitors statistics show - particularly over recent months.

One recently uncovered aspect of this data may be that we note Wikipedia are now hosting both Clarborough and Clarborough & Welham pages, so maybe people searching for our site are visiting Wikipedia first and then coming to us.

We are particularly interested in (and pleased with) the Pages and Visits columns of this data which indicates how useful our site is.

Hits, for example, simply indicate the number of file-links on visited pages. For instance, if you look at our homepage you will see something like 30+ links so just one visit exploring all of these will generate some 30 hits.

At the time of writing, our website is composed of 240 pages since we no longer host documents for Clarborough & Welham Parish Council who now have their own ‘official’ website which can be access from our home page’s C&W Parish Council main menu.