Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

We are united!

Our website is funded & managed by
Clarborough & Welham IT Group with
support from
Ladbrook Insurance

Website design
website design software

Version 4.1
Click here for our website’s latest visitor statistics

Is your group or organisation keen to ‘get online’ but you don’t know how, or are unsure about the costs and time commitments involved?

Why not get in touch with us?

Clarborough & Welham IT Group have experience in creating this website which has now been up-and-running since November 2010 (see our Version details page for details).

There were four distinct parts to creating and maintaining this website:

1. Register your site’s name (strictly its URL - uniform resource locator). This has to be done through the national organisation set up to manage this aspect; in the case of the UK this body is Nominet.

2. Subscribe to a hosting organisation. This is a company to which you will upload your website over the internet. They will ensure that it is available to visitors ‘24/7’ on a server that is connected to the internet by a high speed/high capacity link. This ensures that visitors to your site receive a ‘slick’ service at any time of the day (or night). Remember, once you are online, you are on a world stage!

3. Obtain a software package that you can use to build, upload and maintain your website. To be effective this needs to be ‘in-your-own-hands’ so that your site can be edited regularly; nothing puts visitors off more rapidly than seeing that your site was last updated months ago.

4. Ensure your team has the skills to maintain the site once initial launch has taken place. If this aspect is out of your hands with an external provider, the task can become complex, laborious or time consuming.

This website employed the services of a single agency who provided both parts 1 & 2 above, although these two items are billed separately, at the time of writing these two services cost us around £70 p.a.

Item 3 is addressed very effectively (we believe - please feedback your thoughts on our website design via our Contact us section) by a FREE package that can be downloaded from the internet. It demands a skills level that is similar to that required to use a typical office suite and e-mail service.

Which leaves us with the time element; you will note that visits to this website indicate that it is usually maintained on a daily basis except when we are away from our ‘office’. This requires, after the initial setting up period, of something of the order of an hour per day/6 days per week. Hardware requirements are covered by any reasonably modern office computer system connected to the internet.

For a small charge we are available to discuss these topics on an individual basis and to share our own experiences in all of the stages outlined above that were required to launch and maintain this site. We can also offer a demonstration session to indicate the skills required to maintain our site.

At a later stage we are also available to discuss possible staff training issues, etc. necessary to maintain your up-to-date website.