Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

We are united!

Our website is funded & managed by
Clarborough & Welham IT Group with
support from
Ladbrook Insurance

VE 75 Events
website design software

Version 4.1
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Friday 8th May, 2020 sees the 75th anniversary of the end of World War 2 in Europe. National events are planned to mark this milestone and our local community is starting to make plans too.

Important update already: the email address for contacts regarding this planning have recently (July 11th, 2019) been amended to the following: Please use this, not the one that appears in the Autumn, 2019 issue of Clarborough & Welham Newsletter.

An overview of national plans for VE 75 commemorations can be read here...

An article launching Clarborough, Welham and Hayton’s plans for these commemorations appears in the Autumn, 2019 issue of Clarborough & Welham Newsletter (page 9). Unfortunately, as mentioned above, this article contained an incorrect email address for contacting the group - please use that highlighted above!
Late note! The email address above has been incorporated in the pdf file of our Autumn 2019 Clarborough & Welham Newsletter included in the Newsletter section of this site.

Coronavirus emergency resulted in Clarborough, Hayton & Welham’s planned VE75 commemorations being cancelled.

VE75 events scheduled for 8-10th May have been cancelled, but suggestions of a Stay-at-home Afternoon Tea have gained momentum. Click on the poster for details and here for a statement from the organising group.

Latest news: print this poster to put in your window(s) for today, Friday, 8th May, 2020.

The day actually turned out really good - beautifully warm, sunny, weather and many ‘locals’ having front-garden afternoon teas - and more - while sharing community spirit at a distance.