This page has recent information specifically for motorists:
DVLA’s latest (29th September, 2021) help if you’ve lost or destroyed your car’s V5C log book here...
Now we no longer need to display a tax disk on our car an idea that has been approve by Nottinghamshire Police to display details in the tax disk holder may save lives. Please follow this link and download and print the document. This can then be displayed in place of the tax diska Nottinghamshire Police suggestion that may save lives - replacement for your tax disc.
Security: remember that if your car keys are stolen, the thief will have no problems finding your car, even if it’s in a car-park of thousands. Just press the ‘open’ key and your car will bleep and flash to gain attention. The moral of this is, look after your keys! Remember, a significant number of household break-ins are to steal car keys left in visible places.
Worried about buying a used car and risking a dodgy deal? Check out Nottinghamshire Trading Standards advice (September 2014)
See Latest News page for new Notts.C.C. contacts for reporting highways issues. Also note that catalytic converter thefts are back (Spring 2014) - see Neighbourhood Alert for more.
Tailgating is dangerous - want to know why? Remind yourself of braking distances here...
Secure your vehicle - advice leaflet from Nottinghamshire police.
A recent survey of some 1000 Which? magazine subscribers found that the two most irritating aspects of other people’s driving were:
a) tailgating
b) mobile phone use.
With the carnage on the M5 before Christmas fresh in our minds, it doesn’t require much imagination to see how both of these types of behaviour could so easily lead to repetitions. We also need to remember that an irritated driver is more likely to make errors of judgement than one who is not - so the issue is very real.
The latest rash of motor-related crimes are related to exhaust systems - either catalytic converters (which contain precious metals such as platinum) or complete systems. 4x4 vehicles are at particular risk since they have greater road clearance. Garage your vehicle if at all possible. See Neighbourhood Alert for the last rash of these thefts. We are also seeing thefts of vehicle batteries - again containing valuable metals.
Neighbourhood Alert regarding breaking & entering thefts to steal high value vehicles - particularly Audis (30th July 2012).