Clarborough & Welham Community
near Retford, Bassetlaw
North Nottinghamshire
United Kingdom

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Our website is funded & managed by
Clarborough & Welham IT Group with
support from
Ladbrook Insurance

North Notts College
website design software

Version 4.1
Click here for our website’s latest visitor statistics

North Nottinghamshire Collage is part of the RNN Group and is located in Worksop (Carlton Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S81 7HP). For details click here...

Seeking to retrain, upskill or progress to Higher Education?

As part of the Government’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee we are pleased to be able to offer eligible* adults the opportunity to undertake a selection of qualifications for FREE*.
*Click on poster for details and eligibility for free courses.

Poster also has details of paid-for courses along with contacts for more information as well as application contacts, etc.

The college is also offering free distance learning courses in Autumn 2021 - click on the poster for details and eligibility.

The Distance Learning Team at North Notts College wish to share information about the distance learning courses that are available through the College, If you are interested in any of these courses then please call the Distance Learning Team on 01709 513 148 or email

If you would like to book a place simply phone the above number.