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There has been a recent increase in theft of motorbikes and cycles around Bassetlaw

Bikers be warned - unnecessary deaths on Lincolnshire roads - don’t let you be next!

Securing your bicycle - advice leaflet from Nottinghamshire Police (31 July 2012).

Secure your bike or scooter - advice leaflet from Nottinghamshire police (31 July 2012).

Lincolnshire Police advice on securing your bike - increasing theft of cycles across the area.

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If your motorbike or scooter doesn’t already have one, get a Thatcham or Sold Secure-approved electronic immobiliser professionally fitted. Try to get one which is also approved by your insurance company.

If your bike has a high monetary or sentimental value, consider having a Thatcham Cat 5 security system professionally fitted. These systems send an alert to a control centre if your motorbike is stolen, track it and by remote operation prevent its engine once stopped
from being re-started.

If you have a security device, use it and keep your keys with you when you leave your machine.

Always put the steering lock on.

Never leave your keys with the motorbike or scooter, even for a short time. Always keep your keys in a safe place when you are at home.

Wherever possible, use parking spaces which are built especially for motorbikes  and scooters and have stands or security loops for you to secure your  machine to. Also, look for car parks that display the Park Mark® sign showing they belong to the police Safer Parking Scheme

When you are not using your motorbike or scooter, put it in your garage (if you have one) and make sure it has good locks. If you do not have a garage, installing a ground anchor is a good bet. Get the main parts of your machine marked with the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) (frame number), registration number or some other unique identifying number, ideally one linked to a recognised database that keeps data to the Loss Prevention Council (LPC) Standards 1224 and 1225. If you have used your own markings, make sure you have a record of them.


Off-road bikes (such as trials, motocross and enduro bikes) are at special risk of theft. Also, if they are stolen they are more difficult to trace because the majority are not currently registered on the DVLA database. Note that, as of 24th April 2012, thefts of quad bikes, etc. have increased greatly across our area.

This means that the police cannot put the details of stolen off-road bikes on their database ready to be retrieved quickly when the bikes are  recovered. So it may not always be possible to return off-road bikes to their rightful owners.
However, DVLA can register your off-road bike for free so that its details (frame and engine numbers) are placed on DVLA’s and the police’s  computers. Your bike will be given a €’Q’ registration mark and, providing it is not used on a public road, you do not have to display a number plate unless you want to. You will also be given a log book (registration certificate - form V5C). You will not be able to ride the vehicle on the road unless it is completely legal and you have paid the correct Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) road tax. You do not need an insurance or MOT certificate for use on private property.

Contact your local DVLA office to discuss this further (their number can be found at under
‘Useful contacts - Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) contacts’).


THATCHAM (The Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre) for information on immobilisers and other vehicle security devices.                                  Email:       Website:

SOLD SECURE for a list of recognised security products.
Phone: 01327 264 687                 Email:       Website:

ASSOCIATION OF BRITISH INSURERS (ABI) for information on insurance group ratings and vehicle security.
Phone: 020 7600 3333                 Email:                 Website:

VEHICLE SYSTEMS INSTALLATION BOARD (VSIB) for a copy of the list of fully accredited installation companies. Companies covered in Part VI of the list are accredited to deal with motorbikes and scooters.
Phone: 01708 340 911                 Email:               Website:

                                                 Email:             Website:

                                                 Email:   Website:

CRIMESTOPPERS if you have any information on motorbike or scooter crime.
Phone: 0800 555 111                                                                    Website:

Anyone with any information regarding the theft of any motorcycles or people involved in similar offences is urged to contact Nottinghamshire Police on 101 or via Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Controversy over proposed EU Law for Motorcycles has certainly upset MAG. To read your local MEP (Member of the European Parliament) view on this issue go to Representative Links MEP to read the full text of Bill’s article which appeared in summarised form in the Summer 2012 issue of Clarborough & Welham Newsletter.